So, I've been neglecting this poor blog. It's been so lonely, here all by itself in the big, cold intarweb...hey, if a blog fell on the internet and no one read it, would it make a sound???? Nah, probably not.
Well, I've taken over the bill paying duties of the household. BW or SWMBO had a meltdown and so I fell on my sword and said I'd do it. Then we spent an hour going over her complicated, intricate system of Quicken, Excel spreadsheet, online bill paying...OMG (as Paris would text).
I took notes...remember I'm a failed or fallen-away technical writer...or is that in "forced retirement?" Today I will recreate the wheel and make the whole process simpler...because, as many will tell you, I am a simple man...or is that simple-minded man? Who cares...
Can you tell I LOVE ellipses?
Older son is home from his sabbatical in Las Vegas. Got his old job back and starts next week.
Oh, went to Airventure 2008 or Oshkosh as I call it. Got lots of pictures, but too lazy to put them up here. NO one read this tripe anyway so why bother?
What can I say? What can anyone say? Does a convention really matter anymore? Other than the participants, does anyone REALLY care?
Don't we know who the principals are by now? Are we going to learn anything new? At one time the convention REALLY chose the nominee. Now, they're just propaganda for the party.
I see that Michelle Ma Belle Obama said "God Bless America." Did she throw up in her mouth a little when she said it? I bet she did. What a good little actress. They've really kept her shut up for the last few months. Wow. She must be going to get SOMETHING BIG for doing that.
I really feel for her. She's this successful, outspoken woman who suddenly has to be like this little goody two-shoes and be "the right stuff" wife to the candidate. Politics, huh? Subverts us all eventually.
I grew up in Hawaii and went to a different private school than the Democrat nominee...Barry O... Full disclosure: it was St. Louis High School. Just the last two years. I really consider my outer island school, St. Joseph in Hilo as MY school, even if I didn't grad.
Anyhoo, the school that BarryO went to, Punahou, produces just the kinds of grads that he is: arrogant, condescending, and feeling superior to all. But, in the end, they're kinda ignorant of real life. Hmmmmm, sound familiar? Oh well.
So, anyone looking for an old, I mean mature, "retired" technical writer. Lots of IT experience. Hard worker, mature (very mature), self-starter (what DOES that mean?), plays, uh, works well with others...yada, yada, yada...
Will follow the University of Hawaii...of course, and also the Washinton Redskins (Colt Brennan) and Miami Dolphins (Davone Bess) this year.
UH has a VERY tough first game on Saturday against Florida. Some ESPN jerks picking FLA to surpass Georgia for Numbah know, Tim Teeebow is a GOD!!! Well, I expect they must roll over UH or people will start talking. I would just like to see the UH win that game. (PS. ESPN has NO respect for UH, at all, if you haven't noticed). Just once, I'd like to see them beat the big dog...auwe...Nevah geev try, just DO.
Colt Brennan played well this preseason. Hope his sticks with the 'Skins. He'll be a good QB down the road. Wish the Bears had him...oh, wait, yeah, he might be a GOOD QB, so the Bears would not be interested...hey Jerry Angelo, got another QB somewhere...anywhere.
Da Bears...nevah mind...
Pau already.
This week Steven Tsai, the blogmeister extraordinaire of the Honolulu Advertiser, is not blogging in support of labor unions at the paper. The HA is going through layoffs and other 'bad stuff' right now.
Sooooo, there's a "lifeboat" blog where all the crazy UH supporters, the Tsai-kos, are blogging. GO VISIT OR LURK AND READ ALL THE GOOD STUFF ABOUT UH FOOTBALL.
Tsai-ko link to lifeboat blog
OK, now really pau.
A hui hou...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bad Blogger...(ah, me)
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